- 教授/研究员
- 副教授/高级实验师
- 讲师/实验师
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副教授 (硕士生导师)
2017年2月——2021年12月 南昌大学 讲师
2013年3月——2017年1月 哈尔滨工业大学 博士
2015年9月——2016年9月 新加坡南洋理工大学 CSC联合培养
2008年9月——2011年6月 南昌大学 硕士
2004年9月——2008年6月 湖南文理学院 学士
承担本科生课程 "无机化学",“大学化学”,“配位化学”,“工程化学基础”等教学。参与主讲的“无机化学上”被评为国家一流本科课程;参与主讲的“无机化学下”被评为江西省精品课程。
主要从事太阳能光催化及光热海水淡化方面的研究,近年来以第一作者或通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Energy Letters, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Nano Energy, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Chemical Communications , ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等国际权威期刊发表科研论文十余篇,其中ESI高被引论文2篇。
1. Fang He,* Meng Wang, Siyi Shi, Yaru Hou, Meiyi Lai, Zhenxing Wang, Shaoqin Peng and Yuexiang Li. Confined synthesis of condensed π-conjugation C-PAN/MS-CN nanotubes for efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution. Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 4352.
2. Fang He, Mingcai Han, Jin Zhang, Zhenxing Wang*, Xiaochun Wu, Yuyang Zhou, Lefu Jiang, Shaoqin Peng, Yuexiang Li*. A simple, mild and versatile method for preparation of photothermal woods toward highly efficient solar steam generation. Nano Energy, 2020, 71, 104650. ESI高被引论文
3. Fang He, Zhenxing Wang, Yuexiang Li*, Shaoqin Peng, and Bin, Liu*. The nonmetal modulation of composition and morphology of g-C3N4-based Photocatalysts. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 269, 118828. ESI高被引论文
4. Zhenxing Wang*, Xiaochun Wu, Fang He*, Shaoqin Peng, Yuexiang Li*, Confinement capillarity of thin coating for boosting solar-driven water evaporation, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31, 2011114.
5. Zhenxing Wang*, Xiaochun Wu, Jiamei Dong, Xiaohong Yang, Fang He*, Shaoqin Peng and Yuexiang Li*, Porifera-inspired cost-effective and scalable “porous hydrogel sponge” for durable and highly efficient solar-driven desalination, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427, 130905.
6. Fang He, Gang Chen,* Jianwei Miao, Zhenxing Wang, Dongmeng Su, Song Liu, Weizheng Cai, Liping Zhang, Sue Hao, and Bin Liu*. Sulfur-mediated self-templating synthesis of tapered C-PAN/g-C3N4 composite nanotubes toward efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution. ACS Energy Letters 2016, 1, 969-975.
7. Fang He, Gang Chen,* Yansong Zhou, Yaoguang Yu, Laiquan Li, Sue Hao, Bin Liu*. ZIF-8 derived carbon (C-ZIF) as a bifunctional electron acceptor and HER cocatalyst for g-C3N4: construction of a metal-free, all carbon-based photocatalytic system for efficient hydrogen evolution. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 3822-3827.
8. Fang He, Gang Chen,* Yansong Zhou, Yaoguang Yu, Yi Zheng, Sue Hao*. The facile synthesis of mesoporous g-C3N4 with highly enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution performance. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 16244–16246.
9. Fang He, Gang Chen,* Yaoguang Yu, Yansong Zhou, Yi Zheng, Sue Hao*. The synthesis of condensed C-PDA–g-C3N4 composites with superior photocatalytic performance. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 6824−6827.
10. Fang He, Gang Chen,* Yaoguang Yu,* Yansong Zhou, Yi Zheng, Sue Hao. The sulfur-bubble template-mediated synthesis of uniform porous g-C3N4 with superior photocatalytic performance. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 425−427.
11. Fang He, Gang Chen,* Yaoguang Yu, Sue Hao,* Yansong Zhou, Yi Zheng. Facile approach to synthesize g‑PAN/g‑C3N4 composites with enhanced photocatalytic H2 evolution activity. ACS Applied Materials& Interfaces, 2014, 6, 7171−7179.